+91-8484921130 [email protected]



  • To foster moral and educational values in the world society.
  • To consciously improve awareness in the society about our great nation, illustrious spiritual leaders, holy Saints and our inspiring ancient literature through mass education.
  • To protect, nurture and rekindle luminous cultural heritage of India.
  • To publish and promote moral and ethical literature.
  • To preserve and encourage development of various arts and art forms.


‘ तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ’

“Lead me from the darkness of ignorance to the light of Integral Knowledge.”

It is our proud privilege to introduce you to Aditya Pratishthan, a renowned Charitable Trust, which is spreading its wings and expanding its boundaries in India and abroad through a number of philanthropic activities. The trust celebrated its SILVER JUBILEE YEAR in 2007-08.

Aditya Pratishthan was founded on the auspicious day of `Gudhi Padwa – the first day of Indian Calender – on April 14, 1983 by Gurudev Shankar Vasudeo Abhyankar. The motto of Aditya Pratishthan is ‘तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय’. Aditya Pratishthan has been striving hard since 1983 to eradicate relentlessly the darkness of ignorance, misunderstanding , misconceptions and wrong notions about our Culture, our Dharma, our Nation, our Great Spiritual Leaders,

Acharyas and revered Saints with bright light of the fourfold pathways of Action, Devotion, Yoga and Integral knowledge.

Aditya Pratishthan has contributed substantially to enrich cultural heritage of India and has fulfilled the resolutions made in all these years.

The Trust is ably led by Gurudev Shankar Vasudeo Abhyankar who has acquired an excellent spiritual and scholarly background.

Through its multi-faceted philanthropic activities since 1983, the branches of Aditya Pratishthan, spread all over India and abroad, are also working in full swing for mass education and preservation of Indian culture.


Universal Oneness is our Dharma

Selfless Action is our Karma

Selfless Service is our Artha

Philanthropic Work is our Paramartha

The fulfillment of these objectives is achieved through all types of audio-visual media such as series of Spiritual Discourses, Slide-Shows based on Great Lives, Seminars, Work-Shops, Audio- Video CDs, publication of Classical Literature, Kirtans, Lectures etc.

Adityache Chandane

Advisory Board

Bharat Ratna
Lata Didi Mangeshkar

Eternal Inspiration